~Not at all happy with me and sure I'm making a terrible mistake~
~Still not a happy camper~
~Slightly smiling but only because she was promised money....definitely your daughter~
~Thawing out slightly~
~Awwww, there's our happy kid! She did awesome once she got there and into the school. Not one tear. Didn't even care I left!~
~She's going to be okay...she was even more happy when she realized she gets to sit beside a girl she met last week~
~This is how I left her. She'll do great because she's got her Daddy's brains and charming personality...I was going to say my charming personality but I know you would have argued that you were the one with the better personality. I definitely couldn't put my brains because, after all, I did score 5 points less than you on the IQ test. ;-) You never would let me forget that!~
Missing and loving you so much,